In this session, we will review a list of common phrases in Spanish that Customer Service Representatives can use when talking with customers. You can listen to the audio here:
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Here are the First 5 Phrases for Teachers in Spanish:
Phrase 1
- Hola, mi nombre es Jessica, Yo voy a ser su maestra.
- Hi, my name is Jessica, I’ll be your teacher.
- Hola, mi nombre es Jessica, Yo voy a ser su maestra.
In this example, we used the word “maestra” to refer to a female teacher. To use this phrase with a male teacher you would have to change the letter “a” at the end of the word “maestra” for the letter “o” so the word becomes the masculine noun which is “maestro.”
So, for a male teacher, the phrase would sound like this:
- Hola, soy Robert, Yo voy a ser su maestro.
- Hi, my name is Robert, I’ll be your teacher.
- Hola, soy Robert, Yo voy a ser su maestro.
Phrase 2
- Hola, soy la Señorita Smith
- Hi, I’m Miss Smith
- Hola, soy la Señorita Smith
Phrase 3
- ¿Cómo estás?
- How are you?
- ¿Cómo estás?
There are a few common answers to a question like this one, and to make things easier for yourself and the person with whom you’re talking you could follow your question with a few possible answers such as these:
- Bien – good
- Mal – bad
- Mejor – Better
- Peor – Worse
So, using some of these words, the question could sound like this:
- ¿Cómo estás? ¿Bien?
- How are you? ¿Doing okay?
- ¿Cómo estás? ¿Bien?
Phrase 4
To ask one of your students about homework you could say:
- ¿Has tenido algún problema con la tarea?
- Did you have any problems with your homework?
- ¿Has tenido algún problema con la tarea?
If you want to ask a few of your students about their homework, you could change the auxiliary “has” for “han” to change the question into the plural form, like this:
- ¿Han tenido algún problema con la tarea?
- Did you (guys) have any problems with your homework?
- ¿Han tenido algún problema con la tarea?
Phrase 5
- Abran sus libros en la página doscientos treinta y cuatro
- Open your books on page 234
- Abran sus libros en la página doscientos treinta y cuatro
You can find the full list of Phrases in the Podcast Upgrade Bonus available here…
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